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Moonlight is the compelling true story of Billy Campbell, who endured a childhood of being a victim of abuse, bullying, and molestation, which led him to victimize others, before finding redemption. Campbell lived in a world of pornography, prostitution, drugs, the mafia, outlaw motorcycle clubs, and many drug gangs from around the world. Campbell's criminal exploits spanned from Maine to Rhode Island, New York, Maryland, North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and even to Germany; when he was in the military. He helped invent and distribute designer drugs up-and-down the East Coast and ultimately developed a $1,000 a day cocaine habit in the early eighties. Campbell stood trial for many of his crimes and often won, which fueled his feelings of invincibility, which led to a shootout with the Baltimore City Police Department. Moonlight tells Billy Campbell's story in vivid detail giving you a front-row seat to his story of a life of hard lessons, which landed him in Leavenworth prison for 8 years. Campbell has been fighting his whole life with abusers, molesters, gangsters, mobsters, the Black Panthers, the legal system, the police, and even the military. Campbell's true-life story of struggle comes full circle to when he received his awakening, while in prison, that began his road to redemption. Campbell's story of abuse, racial strife, pornography, drugs, violence, prison, and redemption is told in hopes of reaching others who are lost like he was and to possibly inspire them to change their ways and ultimately their life.
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“Moonlight” is surprisingly compelling and a completely candid account of a challenge-filled life of a young man who struggled, survived, and eventually overcame the destructive temptations of drugs, violence, and prison. If Billy can overcome such life-altering difficulties to become a successful business owner, so can anyone. You will be as inspired as I was by this page-turning, real-life story!
- Dr. David Anderson,
author of the award-winning book, “Gracism-The Art of Inclusion”
I'm not big on reading books, but this is an awesome book. Not only it's full of action and keeps you want to read more, but its also very inspiring story. It shows you that you can have a rough start, bad luck and still make it in this world. I would strongly recommend the book. Love it.
When I walked into my local dog training school I never expected to find someone who had such an amazing story. As an avid reader, I've read quite a few crime stories, there are usually the same protagonist, antagonist and in the end, the good guys win. In Moonlight, you hear the story of someone who was a major hustler in the 1970s-80s on the East Coast and what led them to that point. Throughout the novel, you develop empathy for Billy Campbell and the trials and tribulations of his life. The internal conflict of doing the right thing in a world full of crime gives perspective on the war on drugs and in this time period, porn. What makes a criminal a bad person? Is it their criminal acts in and of themselves or the way they conduct themselves? I would argue that this book shows that it isn't the criminal acts that define the criminal but how they conduct them. It gives you a perspective that I truly wasn't expecting. Crime with integrity and an explanation of how to never underestimate the underdog. A page-turning adventure that has you wanting more at the end.
Once you pick this up you won t be able to put it down. Every page has your heart racing and wanting to read more. There wasn t a page that I read and it wasn t full of suspense.
David Davitaia,
Amazon Review
Victoria Erbe,
Amazon Review
Ryan Himes,
Amazon Review
Billy Campbell has been on a long road from being an abused, bullied, and molested kid to becoming a relatively successful Dog Trainer, Business Owner, and now Author. His book Moonlight tells the true story of how he learned to victimize those who victimized him. Campbell learned how to play the system and make money, lots of it. He went from being a small-time, small-town thug, to the military, where he continued a life of crime. While in the military he fought with the original Black Panthers and turned to be an adversary to a friend to these people who were much like him. He dealt in a world of pornography, prostitution, and drugs Dealing with Mafia families, outlaw motorcycle clubs, and many of the world's drug gangs. Stood trial several times and won my cases as he developed huge drug habits. Helped invent and distribute designer drugs.
Covered the east coast with criminal activity from Rhode Island to Maine to New York, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. Had shooting scrapes with the police and spent 8 years in Federal Prison. He had a spiritual awakening and turned his love for dogs into a real business. Now as he looks back it all seems like a dream, but the lessons are real and the chance that others like him can change their lives inspired him to write Moonlight. A story of abuse, racial strife, pornography, drugs, violence, prison, and redemption.